Sunday 9 July 2023

Who the hell are you?


I am one who is waiting for ‘Godot’ not like Samuel Beckett and his characters, without having any idea about ‘Godot’, but like Emily Dickson waiting to be taken in chariot to ‘Immortality’. 
Beckett - Pic.- Courtesy - Wikipedia

Beckett is an existentialist, who considered that, life is accidental and meaningless. Survival is the only thing what we do. So, as his characters, he is not even sure of one character 'Godot' in his drama 'Waiting for Godot'.
Emily Dickinson - courtesy - Publishers Weekly

Emily Dickinson went behind Revelation, and tried to reveal the divine mysteries through visions and dreams. She considered Death as her lover taking her in a 'chariot' to 'Immortality '. So, you might get a hint about me now. 

A Saivite that is, one who believes in ‘Advaita Philosophy’, a diminishing section among Hindus. One who believes in the words and deeds of Thirumoolan, Vivekanandan and Narayana Guru waiting for ‘Moksha’, the birthlessness, hope fully. So far so good, expecting to say so till the end with the Grace of God, the Omnipresent and Omnipotent. 

As Thiruoolan mentioned Him as ‘Siva’, I call him ‘Siva’ (எங்கும் திருமேனி, எங்கும் சிவசக்தி – everywhere is Shiva and everywhere his power). As he also said ‘தென்னாட்டவரின் ஈசா போற்றி பிறநாட்டவரின் இறையே போற்றி’ (We pray you, the Almighty whom we, the southerners call ‘Eesa’ and whom all others call ‘God’), I don’t have any rivalry with other religions. I love all. Not only the believers of God, I love the non believers too. Even in them, I see the presence of the ‘Omnipresent’. 

But I feel sorry for the radical thinkers in all religions who have misunderstood the fundamentals of their religions. Among Saivites too, there are these radical thinkers. Instead of establishing unity in diversity with the help of love, they try to establish diversity in unity with the help of hatred. 

As I am not blind to see and deaf to hear such things practised in the past and are being practised in the present, I can’t be without saying anything about it. So, don’t categorize me into any other radical section that radicalizes their beliefs. As I believe in Advaita and as I see the presence of Omnipresent in everyone and in everything, if any of my words and deeds hurt you, it is incidental not intentional. If we try to please all, we will please none. Our pleasing one will definitely un please another. 'To err is human, to forgive is divine'. So, bear with me, please.

I have two blogs. ‘Thillaiakathu Chronicles’ 
and ‘Thillaiakathu Literary Gazebo’ 

‘Thillaiakathu Chronicles’ is a Tamil Blog where I share my experiences and opinions in the form of stories and articles. ‘Thillaiakathu Literary Gazebo’ is an English blog which is for the students of English Literature and for those are interested in literature. Many of my translated Tamil stories and articles are also there. 

Apart from these, I have a YouTube channel -

There, I have eight short films, which are of near around thirty minutes each. Among the eight, three are with contemporary incidents and experiences - 'Parole', 'Parotta Karthik', 'Vivekanandam'  where as the five are based on the historical incidents - 'Sravan The Great', 'Mahamudi The Great', 'Carpenter The Great', 'Poet The Great', 'Saint The Great'. Apart from these there are videos meant for improving English Language - Proficiency in English Language with explanations in Malayalam and Tamil, for meeting University examinations, travel videos, videos on birds, and videos on various subjects

Then two books I have written. One in English named ===> ‘How to analyze a visualized drama and achieve English Proficiency’ (Available in this Link) <===. Another book is a novel in Tamil ‘Kaalam Seitha Kolamadiகாலம் செய்த கோலமடி available in ===> Amazon <===

Having got my retirement as a vocational Higher Secondary School teacher, now, working at SVPK Arts and Science College, Palemad as Asst. Prof. in English since 2018.

As we live in a digital and speedy world, I think it’s better to give a brief about me. It is good to say something about us instead of being said by others. Otherwise, you many sometimes have a question in your mind, ‘Who the hell is he?’ or who the hell are you to talk like this?’


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